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Pediatric Emergency

Clinical Pediatric Emergency: The increase in population and changes in life style have imposed with stress and resulting in increasing the mortality and morbidity. These are higher among the children due to their inadequate organ responses and inability to cope up during emergencies. The pediatric emergencies are drowning, poisoning, burns, respiratory syndrome, injuries, and ingestion of foreign bodies. Management of Pediatric Emergencies: Younger children are more prone to emergencies due to intense activity; intense curiosity and immaturity can have more accidents. Ex: falls and poisoning. These accidents can be prevented by parents to a great extent. Drowning : Drowning is one of the major of cause of death in children it occurs due to inadequate protective supervision. Management of drowning:           Mouth to mouth ventilation           Cardiac massage Burns: The burns occur when there ...

Emergency Medicine Primary Care

The Emergency Medicine and Primary Care incorporates into emergency services First aid, burns, clinical operations, radiology, trauma, critical care, anaphylaxis, disaster medicine, heart attack, toxicology, diagnostic testing, resuscitation etc. The emergency care has life threatening cases, urgent cases and acute cases. Based on the severity immediate attention must be provided to the patients. Why Emergency Care? When people faced with a medical issue that needs immediate care, it is hard to access weather it is truly an emergency or urgent issue. If it is an emergency, emergency care which involves intensive care and proper medication is required to the patient. Appropriately emergency medical care provided in an office setting should stabilize the patient until transferred to the next level of care is available. Common Emergencies:           Chest pain           Bleeding         ...